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Other Remarkable Features...

Pencil Markings:

According to the Senate House Library, John Burns Collection at the University of London, “Burns was in the habit of marking his books as he read them, mostly by vertical lines in the margins – and as a good bibliophile, always in pencil” (“Burns Annotations”). On three separate pages (267, 272, 214) these pencil lines are present, so there is a good chance they were done by John Burns himself. 


The Sotheby & Co. Catalogue aptly notes the “verses on the portrait” are “supplied in facsimile” (Sotheby 5). A pencil inscription on the first page of the Folio also remarks “the leaf of verses facing the title only in facsimile”. 


The back cover is detached and there are the occasional small rust holes (e.g. 166) and tears (e.g. 279).  

Ana Maria Fernandez Grandizo
English 349A
Professor Patricia Badir
March 14th, 2018

© 2018 by Ana Maria Fernandez Grandizo

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